Monday, May 2, 2011

Election Day

I voted for the first time today, and I actually feel good about it. A lot of people say that they do not want to vote and there are a number of reasons behind their decision. I was one of those people, and then I thought to myself, I would be a major hypocrite. Here I am saying to other to be the change that they want to see in the world, but I'm not making an effort to do it myself by not voting. At the end of the day your vote is your voice. I know that not all politicians are preaching to your specific choir expressing your views on issues that are important to you, but don't say that you want things to happen and not vote. Don't complain about why certain things are and you know that you didn't vote. Thats what made me vote. It's the human condition to complain from time to time about different things and play the blame game, but we live in a democratic society. There are many people across the globe dying for their right to vote and we have the luxury here in Canada and we don't even excersice it. Especially when it comes to the youth. It only took me around 10 minutes to vote ( i had to register first, if I didn't It probably would have taken me less than 5). At the end of the day it is our right to vote and have a say in what is happening in our country and our community. Speaking as a youth, many people choose not to vote (only 35% of youth actually do) and there are a number of reasons for that including lack of eduaction on what each party intends to do if elected or because many youth feel that the issues that matter to them specifically (the environment, tuition, youth unemployment, homelessness etc.) are not being addressed. But things are only going to get worse and we will continue to be ignored if we don't vote. Politicians usually care about those that vote thats why things such as the economy and health care are such huge issues and the ones that are usually addressed. These issues are what baby boomers and middle aged adults (the ones that usually vote) care about. If we unite as youth and make our voices heards at the polls the more our issues will be addressed and the more we will matter. That is why it is so important to vote. Like I said before, your vote is your voice.

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