Sunday, August 26, 2012

Death of the CD? A look at File sharing and the state of mus

Hello Guys,  So I came across an interesting topic while on, the decline of album sales. This really isn't news. We all know (well most of us, I don't want to assume) that CD sales have been declining for quite some time now. The advancements of the internet and other technologies, especially the availability of digital downloads has made it so much easier for us to access music without have to buy the whole CD. These new advancements have forced stores like HMV to expand their brand from just CD's to including other types of media such as games (video games), books, movies, television and even clothing. Many blame the decline on CD sales on of course music downloading and peer to peer file sharing, but can this really be the sole reason in declining sales. I mean the invention of the CD is what made cassette tapes no longer needed right? the walkman made it no longer neccessary to carry around a boombox just so you can take your music "to go" right? So why should CD's be immune to the inevitable evolution of technology? As technology advances and new devices take over it's obvious that people arn't going to continue using the old device. As for file downloading and peer to peer sharing, I am all for up and coming artists getting their cut and making money. Let's face it, it's hard enough for artists' especially with  that looming stereotype of the poor artist that can barely afford a pot to piss in and is living in their car but won't give up on their dreams and find a  "Real job". The world needs art and the world needs music. Musicians make music and it seems fair that these up and coming artists get what they deserve by doing what they love to do. Then you have artists that are so rich that they one bootleg CD here and one file download there is virtually meaningless to the point where it won't even register on their radar. Did downloading and file sharing stop Watch the Thrown from going platinum or their tour being the best selling Hip-Hop tour in History? No. maybe it's not about not making money, but not making enough money. We all know that as the music business is exactly that, a Business. Which means that of course they want to make as much money as possible in any given quarter making them no different then the likes of other power and money hungry corporation. Art and business always did have a cut throat relationship. As a matter of fact, the thing that makes unsigned or independent artists so appealing is the rebel like persona that can come along with not being signed. The unwillingness to "conform" to what music executives want you to be. To know that your music got by off of word of mouth more than powerful in your face advertising. You have artists like The Weeknd who have released 3 albums for free (yes for free) off of his website, and through that generated enough buzz and fandom to the point where he's playing festivals like coachella and having his songs heard on shows like Entourage. No advertising gimicks, just word of mouth and a couple trending topics on twitter here and there.


    Now, if artists want to make money they have to tour like their lives depended on it. If you can't sell CD's sell concert seats. The live in your face so close you can touch experience of a live show is something that I doubt technology will be able to put in an early grave ( lol let me knock on wood, I know you guys saw 2pac being "resurrected" via hologram at Coachella). Music has become so much more apart of our mainstream culture now that ever before. The invention of the ipod and and the fact that every phone has an mp3 player shows it's influence and appeal more now that ever in todays times. So in conclusion, is the CD really dead. Lol , not right now it least, yes sales are declining but they havn't stopped. People are still buying CD's, maybe not in mass the way they used to but they're still selling. Maybe it's the vintage appeal that comes with CD's. A nostalgia that comes along with sticking to the past. I mean, polaroids are coming back in style. Maybe CD's will be along a lot longer than we think.

If you guys want to see the piece from here's the link:

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