Sunday, May 22, 2011

Review of Pirates of the Caribbean : On Stranger Tides

Hey guys. I saw Pirates of the Caribbean 4 yesterday with my friends at Yorkdale. I am a huge fan of these Movies, so I was actually dissapointed in this movie. When I watch a movie I try to look at it from all angles. Screenplay, graphics, actings etc. The graphics were pretty much the same as it's predecessors. Amazing and mind blowing so the movie did not fall flat in that area. However it fell extremely flat in other areas. First of all the plot and the screenplay! It wasn't good. The plot felt a bit half assed and all over the place, leaving me confused at times. The screenplay was also half assed. There were many jokes that felt random and didn't flow with the mood of the movies too well. There were some scenes that seemed pointless and looked like there were added to waste time and not help to advance the plot. In terms of characters I had no problem with how Johnny Depp reprised his role as lethargic, witty pirate Captain Jack Sparrow. He seemed the same, but it's a shame that there were times when he had very weak lines to work with. Penelope Cruz' role as Angelica, Sparrow's long lost love whom he abandoned, was potrayed exceptionally as well though there were times when I felt when she was merely exploited to only add sex appeal to the movie. The best part of the movie in my personal opinion were the killer mermaids. There were the only thing that was reminiscent to the other movies and what made Pirates of the Caribbean a success in the first place, the magic, adventure and fantasy. Otherwise from that I don't see anything that made it all that interested. I like to get lost in a movie and that didn't happen with me when I saw this one. I was constanly looking at the time, hoping that it would end soon. I give it a 3/5 because I still love Jack Sparrow and the mermaids was a good addition to the movie franchise. The ending leaves room for a sequel. Hopefully the next one will be better and restore my faith in these movies. I hope they bring back orlando bloom though. I kinda miss him LOL.


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