Thursday, June 23, 2011

Don't call it a come back

Hey those that read this blog. I know I havn't made a post in a very long time. The reason for that is because I've been very busy working so I havn't had the time to really sit down and type out a blog entry. This is the earliest I have ever gotten home from work, so I decided to catch up on a couple things and write a blog entry. So here it goes. I finally made it down to honey fig 2 weeks ago for the first time. I picked up only 3 products cause the things there are kinda pricey. I picked up the Dr. Bronners Peppermint soap bar, Darcy's Botanicals Transitioning creme and the Shea Moisture Raw shea butter deep treatment masque. I finally took out my braids and washed my hair last week. It was really filthy but my hair seems not to be in as bad shape as I had originally thought. I am almost 6 months post relaxer and my hair has definitely grown a lot which I am happy about. I really like the Dr. Bronners Peppermint Castile soap bar. It is certified organic and has a lot of good stuff like coconut oil and jojoba oil in it. It didn't strip my hair at all and my hair didn't get all matted up and messy. It really cleaned my hair and left it feeling soft and not stripped which I really like. I also like the peppermint tingling that I got from using it which is good because I heard peppermint oil is good for stimulating the scalp. I would definitely use this again. I also used the Darcy Botanicals transitioning creme which I really like because it made my hair so soft, especially at the roots. I really like it as a moisturizer and will contiue to use it. As for the Shea Moisture organic raw shea butter deep treatment masque, this product was kind of a disappointment. It didn't penetrate my hair. Instead it just sat on top of it and it didn't make any much of  difference when i rinsed it out. I'll try it again to see if it'll work for me the second time around but otherwise from that I'll try using it as a moisturizer. I still need to get my hands on a tangle teezer, the curls coconut sublime conditioner and the Giovonni's smooth as silk conditioner. So that's enough hair talk for now. I'll be sure to post the photos of what my hair looked like when I took it out and washed it later when I get the chance.

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