Thursday, May 27, 2010

A couple things to think about.

Music is so therapeutic for me. There are sometimes when I feel that I may be obsessed with music. When I'm going through a hard ship or a lot of stress I vent all of it through the music I listen to and the songs that I write. We live in a society that is so full of stress causing agents. Students working hard to get good grades so that they can get into good their University of choice. Procrastinating, stay up all night with a white screen in front of them typing away at their computer with a cup of coffee  right next to them trying hard not to to fall asleeep. Then we have adults putting in 9-5 shifts at work then coming home to cook dinner or pick up their kids from day care or school only to do the same thing over again. Where is the time to relax? Where is the time to just unwind with a good book or pick out your favourite CD from a catalogue and put it on and just listen to it for a while. With the life that we live we all need that. We all just need time to feed into our hobbies, and I'm not talking about spending hours on facebook or twitter. I'm talking about getting goals accomplished that are self fulfilling, like perhaps learning hot to play a musical instrument. Writing poetry, a story, a screenplay of even a song. Take that vacation to that exotic place that you can't stop thinking about. Go rock climbing or learn to speak a language that you really want to become fluent in. Life is to short to spend it living like a lifeless zombie that is just trying to get through life. When was the last time you made it belong to you. That for a couple of minutes or even hours, you did what you wanted to do. These are just a couple things to think about.

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