Monday, May 31, 2010

My Senior Prom

On May 28th, 2010 I had my school prom.  Isn't it something that we all look for when we go to High School? Our school prom? The limo ,the glam of the make-up, hair, shoes, accessories, dress, tuxedo corsage and all that other stuff? I know that I did. I don't know why but watching too much television has brainwashed the way that I look at Prom. When I was younger I thought that prom was this huge deal, like if you didn't go you had a serious problem.  But thinking of the reality of it now, maybe prom isn't all that big a deal. Is breaking the bank really all that necessary, especially just for one night? I think that my high expectations to have an excellent prom, partly conditioned from watching too much television, made me wish I can do it all again. I must say that all of my graduating classmates looked amazing. I only wish that a few things could change if I were to go back in time. Starting with the food. I don't know if it's just me, but I have learned that my stomach can never get used to banquet hall food. I found the chicken to be a bit under cooked and the steak overcooked till it was dry. I think I tricked myself into feeling full, because I didn't understand how hungry I was until I got home and my stomach was growling. The music was definitely below my expectations that night. I was expecting to dance the night away on the dance floor but the DJ was HORRIBLE! They played several songs twice and the songs that you would expect to get the place jumping they didn't play. They were playing majority techno ( this is not to offend any techno fans. I enjoy a bit of techno here and there from time to time) which ruined it for me because techno is something that I feel you can't really dance to. If they weren't playing techno, they were playing songs that were relevant, back when I was in fifth grade. I found myself sitting down a lot and even sleeping! Maybe I was more sleep deprived preparing for prom than I actually thought, but I do know if they were playing good songs I would be on the dance floor jamming and  not at my table drifting asleep.  We ended the night with the most over exaggerated and over played song relating to graduation. You guessed it, it was indeed "Graduation (Friends Forever)" by Vitamin C. Majority of the graduates formed a circle and swayed to the song and ended it with the most enormous group hug known to man, which somewhat ended the prom a a sad note. When it comes down to it, Prom shouldn't be all about the glam, flashy dress or tux or how huge your limo is. It's about enjoying a night with fellow graduates. Having fun and taking pictures and basking in the moment. Who knows where we will be in a couple of years from now, which is why it is important to cherish the present. That is what I took away from my senior prom.

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