Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Underrated Film Genre

This post is to talk about one of my favourite film genres ever yet very underrated. Anime and Manga Film! Yes I am a huge and I repeat HUGE fan of anime and Manga films. I believe that Japanese animation is way in the lead in terms of graphis character depth and screenplay compared to their American Counter parts. I'm going to share my  favourite Anime/ manga movies, created so far.

4. Grave of the Fireflies

This is a sad movie. It tells the story of 2 silblings named Seita ( the boy)  and Sutsuko (girl) must survive on their own when their mother is killed in an air strike and their aunt no longer wishes to take care of them . What I really love about this movies is the fact that it shows that war impacts everyboy no matter which side is winning or losing. No matter what the result, people always suffer and people always die. Even with the deadly food shortage and dangerous circumstances what I also loved about this movie was the connection between the siblings who were constantly trying to make the best and smile through their difficult circumstances.


This movies is phenomenal. Though it can be a bit confusing at times this movies helped to define japanese anime/manga as a force to be delt with. The movie is about a member of a biker gang named Tetsuo who's life is changed when he comes into contact with a young child with magical powers. Tetsuo begins to develop special powers as well with a burning desire to contanct someone solely known as Akira.

2. Perfect Blue

If you love suspence thrillers then I definitely suggest you see this movie. It's about a young girl named Mima ren who decides to leave her japanese pop group and persue her dreams of becoming an actress. Little does she know that she has a stalker named mimmania that isn't to please with her decision and then commences to make her life a living hell. I found this movie to play with my head many times leaving me confused but the ending definitely left me on the edge of my seat.

1. Paprika

If You loved Inception than Paprika well blow your mind. As a matter a fact, you'll think Inception might have copied Paprika. The movie is about a group of psychiratrists that develop a device called the "DC Mini", a device that allows them to enter their patients dreams to see what is the cause of their anxieties. When the prototype device is stollen all hell breaks loose as it begins to blur the lines between realtiy and fantasy. It's up to Paprika (The playful alter ego of one of the psychiratrists) to help rectify the problem before the line between reality and fantasy is lost forever. The graphics, and use of imagination in this movie are simply amazing playing with the mind and entertaining the eyes. Which is why it has become my #1 anime movie favourite.

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